On Context-based Naming in Information Bases

Manos Theodorakis and Panos Constantopoulos
Department of Computer Science, University of Crete
Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
P.O.Box 1385, GR 711 10 Heraklion, Crete, Greece
{etheodor | panos}@ics.forth.gr


In information bases following semantic and object-oriented data models logical names are used for the external identification of objects. Yet the naming schemes employed are not ``natural'' enough and several problems often arise: logical names can be ambiguous, excessively long, unrelated to or unable to follow the changes of the environment of named object. In natural language, similar problems are resolved by the context within which words are used. An approach to introducing a notion of context in an information base is to provide structuring mechanisms for decomposing it into possibly overlapping parts. This paper focuses on developing a context mechanism for an information base and, in particular, exploiting this mechanism for naming purposes. Rules are developed for generating meaningful names for objects by taking their context into account. This context-based naming enhances name readability, resolves name ambiguities, saves a lot of redundant name substrings, and it localizes and thus facilitates consistency checking, query processing and update operations. In modeling, it supports systematic naming of objects, and thus enhances cooperation between the designers and the end-users in the sense that the contents of the information base are more understandable by both of them.

1 Introduction

In natural language, words are used to identify concepts (concrete or abstract) and context is used to essentially enhance the expressiveness of a finite vocabulary. In information bases, in particular those following object-oriented or semantic data models, logical names are used to externally identify objects. Context mechanisms, however, are not offered in general. Introducing context in information bases would enhance expressiveness, understandability and flexibility, and would support cooperative applications, where contextual divisions of the information bases naturally arise.

A general approach to introducing a notion of context in an information base is to provide structuring mechanisms for decomposing it into possibly overlapping parts. This paper focuses on developing a context construct for an information base following an object-oriented semantic data model and, in particular, exploiting this construct for naming purposes.

At the conceptual level, the information base describes objects and relationships between them. The objects are identified by logical names. These names are usually derived from the names of the real world concepts that the objects represent. A variety of problems arise, especially in large databases, such as logical names that are ambiguous, excessively long, unrelated to the environment of the respective objects, or unable to follow the changes of that environment.

An abstract context model for partitioning information bases was proposed and its integration into a powerful object-oriented notation, namely the Telos knowledge representation language [23], was addressed by Mylopoulos and Motschnig-Pitrik [24, 25]. Inspired in large part by that work, as well as by the application requirements of the Semantic Index System [5, 6, 7, 9, 8], in this paper we introduce a context construct for a data model essentially conformant with the structural part of Telos, and we define a context-based naming scheme.

Contexts are defined in a broad sense, in which they may overlap, and in a strict sense, in which they are disjoint. The disjoint strict contexts can be thought of as characterizing the objects they contain in a unique manner, whereas in general an object may be contained in more than one broad contexts. Objects are assigned unique names within their strict contexts. The latter are hierarchically organized, thus enabling the generation of unique path names for all objects in an information base. This scheme implements name relativism not only for relationships, as usual, but also for objects of independent standing. Meaningful object names are generated automatically through the respective contexts. Thus names are dynamic, related with and following the changes of the environment of the objects.

The paper is organized as follows: The next section briefly surveys manifestations of context and naming in different fields. Section 3 reviews the information representation framework and define a refined notion of path, necessary for introducing a versatile path-based name generating scheme. In section 4 the context construct and the context-based naming mechanism are developed. Section 5 addresses some implementation issues and section 6 contains general discussion and conclusions.

2 Naming and context: a brief survey


In linguistics and cognitive psychology the notion of context plays an important role in language comprehension and generation. People naturally use contextual information in order to convey a specific meaning. Langacker claimed that all linguistic units are context-dependent [20]. One of the basic characteristics of natural language is ambiguity [27]. People frequently employ the same form to convey more than one meanings in everyday speech. This is the case of polysemous words (e.g. the word ``line'' in ``a line of code'' or ``a line in the bank'') and homonyms (e.g. ``bat'' the mammal or ``bat'' the athletic implement). On the other hand, different forms are often used to convey the same meaning (synonyms, e.g. ``cheap'' and ``inexpensive''). These ambiguities are resolved by reference to a specific context. For example, the same meaning can be expressed by different words in the dialects of different cultural or professional groups [18]. Conversely, the same word can be used by different groups to convey different meanings, or even within one group to convey different meanings in different situations.

In artificial languages, the opposite of the previous assumption, that is, one meaning can have only one linguistic representation, is also true. This clearly requires using absolute or global ``names''. An interesting question in artificial language design is how to extend a name by suffixing or prefixing constructs in order to make it unique in a given context or, given a name, how to restrict the context so that this name may convey a unique meaning.

There are several manifestations of context-based naming: in programming languages, the parts of the program which are visible to a particular program segment are determined by the scopes and scope rules using scope resolution operators. More recently, in an object-oriented framework, aspects [28], roles [15, 29, 2] and conceptual slices (views) [30] have been introduced to support multiple state and multiple behavior of the same objects, which is similar to handling the same object in different context or to moving an object into another context.

In traditional databases, views present a consistent partition of the database [14, 3]. Such mechanisms have been adopted in object-oriented databases [1, 22] and semantic data models [11]. In addition, database integration has to deal with naming conflicts of two types, homonyms and synonyms, because the global schema of the integrated database is usually generated by merging one or more user-oriented schemas [4].

In artificial intelligence contexts have been introduced as means of partitioning knowledge into manageable sets [17], or they have been considered as logical constructs that facilitate reasoning activities [21, 16]. Moreover, contexts have been proposed as a partitioning scheme for hypertext databases [12], and perspectives as a mechanism for organizing and manipulating groups of nodes and links in a hypertext network [26]. More recently, general abstractions for partitioning information bases with contexts have been proposed, which address issues of naming conventions, authorization, transaction execution and overlapping contexts [24, 25]. Other approaches employ context as a way to face the complexity of information base update [8], or to develop a naming mechanism for semantic data models [31].

3 Information representation, paths and names


We assume information bases that follow an object-oriented data model conformant with the structural part of the Telos language [23]. This is a generalization of graph-theoretic structures used in semantic networks, semantic data models and object-oriented representations. An information base can be thought of as consisting of nodes and links, with nodes describing objects of independent existence and links representing relationships among such objects. Nodes and links are considered as objects and are organized along three dimensions: classification (instance of), generalization (isA) and attribution. Attributes represent object properties and binary relationships. Attributes of attributes and so on can be defined. Multiple classification is allowed, supporting the separate representation of multiple modeling aspects. Classes of objects within a given instantiation level are also organized in terms of generalization relationships. These can be multiple and give rise to hierarchies that are directed acyclic graphs.


Figure 1: Information base example

An object is associated with two identifiers: a system-generated, globally unique identifier, completely independent of any physical location (a surrogate [10]), which distinguishes it internally from all other objects, and an atomic logical name which accomplishes logical reference to the object and identifies it externally. The logical name of a node is unique over the entire information base, and the logical name of a link is unique among the links emanating from the same object. This results in the naming of the nodes being different from the naming of concepts in the real world. The latter are often named taking into account a specific context.

An example is illustrated in Figure 1, where the information base represents articles and their structure. The nodes are depicted by boxes and the links by directed arrows. The text inside a box or above an arrow corresponds to the atomic logical name, and the text in square brackets to their internal object identifier.

In the next section we define a new naming mechanism for nodes relaxing the unique node name assumption. To do this we introduce a notion of context whereby the information base is partitioned into possibly overlapping conceptual slices. A given node may belong to several contexts. Yet, we assume that one of these contexts can always be selected as more characteristic for a given node in a specific information base, and for naming purposes the node is associated exclusively with that context. Correspondingly, we assume that each of the real-world concepts modeled by nodes can be characterized uniquely by one of the real-world contexts of the domain of discourse.


In the rest of this section we introduce a refined notion of path, that explicitly differentiates between link classes, and corresponding notions of navigation and path names.

We use the symbols tex2html_wrap_inline2555 for the set of objects, tex2html_wrap_inline2825 for the set of nodes, tex2html_wrap_inline2559 for the set of links ( tex2html_wrap_inline2561 ). It is true that: tex2html_wrap_inline2563 . We use tex2html_wrap_inline2565 for the set of binary relations (classes of links, tex2html_wrap_inline2567 ), and tex2html_wrap_inline2569 for the set of atomic names. The functions tex2html_wrap_inline2571 and tex2html_wrap_inline2573 give the object which the link a emanates from and points to, respectively. The function tex2html_wrap_inline2577 gives the set of instances of class tex2html_wrap_inline2579 . We use the expression tex2html_wrap_inline2581 (or tex2html_wrap_inline2583 ) to denote that there exists at least (or only) one link between the nodes x and y (either in the forward or backward direction, i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline2589 ), which is instance of link class r. We use the expression tex2html_wrap_inline2593 to denote that link a connects the nodes x and y. As mentioned earlier, objects can have an atomic name. The binding of atomic names to objects is determined by the atomic name function tex2html_wrap2539 . Thus, for our purposes an information base ( tex2html_wrap_inline2601 ) is defined as a triple: tex2html_wrap_inline2603 .

Accessing information in such an information base often involves navigating from one object to another by following links (in the forward or backward direction) [19]. Navigation relies on the notion of path; It begins at the first node of the path and reaches the last one following links of specific classes and passing through (visiting) specific nodes in a given order. The orientation of links is disregarded, since for every link an inverse one can be defined (e.g. ``a Car includes an Engine'' and ``an Engine is part of a Car'' describe the same real-world situation).


In Figure 1, the path tex2html_wrap_inline2607 denotes the navigation from the article ``CBN'' to the first of its sections and the path tex2html_wrap_inline2609 denotes the navigation from the second section to the article it belongs to.

A path can be composed by other paths as follows: tex2html_wrap2540 where tex2html_wrap2541 and tex2html_wrap2542 . The functions Root(p) and Leaf(p) give the first and the last node of path p, respectively. In our example tex2html_wrap_inline2617 and tex2html_wrap_inline2619 . The length ( tex2html_wrap_inline2621 ) of a path is defined as the number of nodes occurring in the path (e.g. len(p') = 3).

Reaching a node requires either to explicitly specify the node (by its identifier) or to navigate the information base through a path leading to that node. The set of paths reaching a specific node x, tex2html_wrap_inline2627 , is defined as follows: tex2html_wrap2543 . For example, in Figure 1 we have:


(instof represents the internal identifier of the instance-of relation).

The communication between user and information base is effected through logical names. Therefore, a path should be referred externally by a logical name. A logical name (or simply name) is defined as a sequence of atomic names that can occur in a database, or that are allowed in a term of a query language. Since the atomic name of a link is unique among the links emanating from the same object, a link is not fully identified externally by its atomic name. Full identification is achieved by extending its atomic name with the name of its from-object. In general, link names can be defined as follows:


The binding of arbitrary link names to links is determined by the link name function.


In our example, tex2html_wrap_inline2641 and tex2html_wrap_inline2643 .

A node, on the other hand, can be accessed not only by its atomic name (which is, so far, a unique external identifier), but also by a path. Each path can be denoted externally by a name. The path name is defined as follows:


We suppose, as mentioned before, that for every (forward) relationship there is an inverse one which represents the same situation. That is, for each relationship r there exists the inverse tex2html_wrap_inline2653 with atomic logical name tex2html_wrap_inline2655 . With this in mind, we define the path name function, which provides the binding of path names to paths.


For example, in figure 1, we have: tex2html_wrap_inline2667 , tex2html_wrap_inline2669 , tex2html_wrap_inline2671 (note that tex2html_wrap_inline2673 ).

Under certain circumstances a path name can characterize and identify a node uniquely. Then, this name can be considered as the external identification of the node. In the next section we define a mechanism which provides the necessary environment (context-based) for uniquely identifying nodes by path names.

4 Context and naming


We now introduce the notion of context and define a context-based naming scheme. Our aim is to relax the unique node name assumption, so that different nodes can be named with the same atomic name. On the other hand, we have to ensure that there is always a unique external identifier for each object. These are the relative and global names of the object, which are composite and generated by taking into account the context to which the object belongs. Meaningful node names are produced automatically, by using the connections of the object with its environment. Thus names can be frugal and dynamically follow the changes of the environment. Contexts can be considered as conceptual slices of the information base. A node can be contained in more than one contexts, yet we shall make the working hypothesis that a single context can best characterize each node. Thus, in the naming scheme developed here, contexts are considered as disjoint.


We define two element selector functions on contexts: the first to retrieve the node ( tex2html_wrap_inline2727 ) and the second to retrieve the link class of a context ( tex2html_wrap_inline2729 ).


We distinguish the contents of a context into broad contents and strict contents. Correspondingly, we distinguish contexts into broad and strict depending on their contents. Broad contents of a context c = (y,r) consists of the node y, the link class r (elements of c) and all the nodes which are connected with the node y with links that are instances of the link class r and these links (neighbors of c). They are created by the constructor function brCnts as follows:



Figure 2: An isA hierarchy of weapons and instruments

For example, in Figure 1, consider the contexts: tex2html_wrap_inline2749 , which represents the sections of the body of the article ``CBN'', tex2html_wrap_inline2751 , and tex2html_wrap_inline2753 . The broad contents of those contexts are: tex2html_wrap_inline2755 , tex2html_wrap_inline2757 and tex2html_wrap_inline2759 . Another example is shown in Figure 2, which represents an isA hierarchy of weapons and instruments. Consider again the contexts: tex2html_wrap_inline2761 and tex2html_wrap_inline2763 , which represent all the specializations of instruments and combat knives, respectively. The broad contents of those contexts are: tex2html_wrap_inline2765 and tex2html_wrap_inline2767 .

Broad contexts are possibly overlapped in a sense that they may have common neighbors. For example, contexts tex2html_wrap_inline2769 and tex2html_wrap_inline2771 contain in common the neighbor node tex2html_wrap_inline2773 . Strict contexts, on the other hand, are disjoint. Their contents (strCnts) are subset of the corresponding broad contents tex2html_wrap2680 and specified by the scope function in a way to avoid overlapping among their neighbors.


The constructor of strict contents is identical with the constructor of broad contents except from the definition of tex2html_wrap_inline5692 , which is defined as follows:

Contextsgif are organized in a tree hierarchy in a sense that neighbor nodes of a context may define other contexts. The root of all contexts is the information base context, which is defined as: IBcontext = (individual,instof) and is build in the information base. Because of the tree hierarchy the scope function can be applied recursively on a node.



Figure 3: Context and naming: an example

For example, Figure 3 shows the information base of Figure 1 with a scope function defined over it and a set of contexts, tabulated on the top of the figure. By virtue of that table of values tex2html_wrap_inline5700 , tex2html_wrap_inline5702 , tex2html_wrap_inline5704 . The strict contents of the context tex2html_wrap_inline2793 are tex2html_wrap_inline2795 , tex2html_wrap_inline2797 , tex2html_wrap_inline2799 . We can see that contexts tex2html_wrap_inline2769 and tex2html_wrap_inline2809 have identical strict and broad contents. On the contrary, context tex2html_wrap_inline2805 does not have any neighbors. This is because it has been selected (by the user and denoted by the scope function) that the node tex2html_wrap_inline2773 is better characterized as a figure by the context tex2html_wrap_inline2809 than as a figure of section 2 by the context tex2html_wrap_inline2771 .





The set of fixed points of S in tex2html_wrap_inline2825 : tex2html_wrap5609 , we call set of individuals.


This means that individuals are fully identified externally by their atomic names.



This axiom is a strict interpretation of our assumption that one of the contexts can always be selected as more characteristic for a given node in an information base.


Figure 4: Context and naming: an example of isA hierachy

The information base of Figure 3 satisfies the axioms of the context-based naming mechanism. The set of individuals is: tex2html_wrap_inline2835 . These are nodes belonging to the information base context. On the other hand nodes tex2html_wrap_inline2843 and tex2html_wrap_inline2921 , which are components of the composite objects tex2html_wrap_inline2841 and tex2html_wrap_inline2843 belong to contexts tex2html_wrap_inline2845 and tex2html_wrap_inline2769 , respectively. Their atomic names are unique among the nodes contained in these contexts. This is the reason why the atomic names of these two objects are much shorter than their counterparts in Figure 1. Another example is shown in Figures 2 and 4. Both they describe the same real world situation, which is an isA hierarchy of weapons and instruments. The second satisfies the axioms of the context-based naming mechanism. The filled arrows denote that the to-node is in the scope of the context defined by the from-node and isA link class. Comparing Figure 3 with Figure 1 (or Figure 4 with 2) we observe that in Figure 3 (or 4) not only the atomic names of the nodes are much shorter than in Figure 1 (or 2) but also the same atomic name is used more than once (homonyms).

A straightforward question is ``how could we externally refer to nodes with the same atomic name?''. This can be achieved using the global and relative name of a node, which are names of scope paths. Scope paths denote navigations within contexts and are formally defined as follows:


For example, in Figure 3 we have tex2html_wrap_inline2859 tex2html_wrap_inline2861 tex2html_wrap_inline2863 and tex2html_wrap_inline2865 tex2html_wrap_inline2867 tex2html_wrap_inline2869 tex2html_wrap_inline2871 and in Figure 4: tex2html_wrap_inline2873 tex2html_wrap_inline2875 tex2html_wrap_inline2877 tex2html_wrap_inline2879 .

Intuitively, by combining axiom 4.5 with definition 4.6 it is easy to see that there is a unique way to navigate from one node to another within contexts (following scope paths). For example, in Figure 3, to navigate from tex2html_wrap_inline2841 or tex2html_wrap_inline2843 towards tex2html_wrap_inline2921 within contexts, there is a unique way (the scope path tex2html_wrap_inline2887 or tex2html_wrap_inline2889 , respectively). It can be proved that the scope paths of a node are acyclic. This ensures that contexts are disjoint and organized in a tree hierarchy. The proofs of all theorems that follow are given in Appendix.


Every scope path is assigned a specific name by the path name function, called scope name. The set of all scope names of a specific node x tex2html_wrap2693 are defined as follows: tex2html_wrap2694 . The scope names identify the ending nodes of the respective scope paths uniquely, either over the whole information base (global names) or with respect to a context (relative names).

Relative name of a node with respect to a context is defined the name of the scope path which ends at that node and its root node belongs to the neighbors of that context.


For example, in Figure 3 the relative name of the node tex2html_wrap_inline2921 with respect to the context tex2html_wrap_inline2769 is `1', and denotes the fact that object tex2html_wrap_inline2921 represents the first section in the body of article `BCN' and in Figure 4 the relative name of node tex2html_wrap_inline2937 with respect to the context tex2html_wrap_inline2909 is `combat.[subclass].oriental'.


For example, in Figure 3 the global name of the node tex2html_wrap_inline2841 is its atomic name `CBN', of tex2html_wrap_inline2843 is ` tex2html_wrap_inline2919 ', which represents the body of the article named CBN and of tex2html_wrap_inline2921 is ` tex2html_wrap_inline2923 ', which represents the first section of that article. The global name of node tex2html_wrap_inline2773 , which belongs to the context tex2html_wrap_inline2927 , is `Figure.[classof].paths'. In Figure 4 the global name of node tex2html_wrap_inline2931 is `weapon.[subclass].attacking' (note that tex2html_wrap_inline2935 ), which represents the class of attacking weapons and of tex2html_wrap_inline2937 is `knife.[subclass]. combat. [subclass].oriental', which represents the oriental combat knives.


A specific context can be externally referred to by its name, CxtName, defined as follows: tex2html_wrap_inline2947 tex2html_wrap2700 . For example, the name of context tex2html_wrap_inline2949 in Figure 3 is tex2html_wrap_inline2951 and the name of context tex2html_wrap_inline2953 in Figure 4 is (instrument.[subclass].golf, subclass).

The name of a node (relative or global) is constructed using the scope of the node and therefore the environment which is considered more characteristic for it. Consequently, if the environment changes (by update operations) the name will change accordingly. For example, if the atomic name of node tex2html_wrap_inline2841 in Figure 3 changes from `CBN' to `new_CBN', the global names of nodes representing the body, sections and paragraphs of that article will adapt to that change (e.g. the global name of node tex2html_wrap_inline2843 will change to ` tex2html_wrap_inline2963 '). In addition, the way the name is constructed results in ``meaningful'' names. For example, the global name of node tex2html_wrap_inline2921 is: tex2html_wrap_inline2923 , which refers to section 1 of article ``CBN'' of the real word.

In terms of a query language, a specific object can be referred to by a name which is known to the user (for example its atomic name) and either extend this name or restrict its context in order to identify it uniquely. For example, the name ``club'' in the information base of Figure 4 produces a naming conflict with respect to the information base context. On the other hand, the same name with respect to the context (golf,subclass) identifies object tex2html_wrap_inline2973 uniquely. The same result is obtained if instead of restricting the context, we extend the name to ``golf.[subclass].club''.


Figure 5: Implementation: necessary structures

5 Implementation issues


Our mechanism can be easily incorporated into a structurally object-oriented information base system. The only extra requirements are to save the scope function information and to check the necessary integrity constraints. This can be easily achieved by extending the structure which saves the atomic name function (L) so as to capture contextual information. Suppose that the atomic name function is implemented by a table, called symbol table, comprising two columns: the first for the internal identification of an object and the second for its atomic name (see Figure 5(a)). For each object a row is created in the symbol table and saves the internal identifier and the atomic name of that object (each row represents a specific relationship of the atomic name function). For the purposes of the context-based naming mechanism this structure can be extended to the structure shown in Figure 5(b).

Another implementation approach for context-based naming is to create a different symbol table for each context consisting of the contents of that context and their atomic names.

The first approach is easy implemented but requires some extra time to compute the name of an object or to access an object identified by a path name, because it has to look up the whole symbol table. On the other hand the second approach needs some extra structures to be implemented and requires extra memory and address space to save the different local symbol tables but it localizes and thus facilitates consistency checking, query processing and update operations.

To validate our mechanism, we have started a prototype implementation within the Semantic Index System (SIS) based on the first approach. The SIS [6, 7] is a system for the management of very large collections of highly interrelated information objects with evolving structures. The SIS data model follows the structural part of the Telos knowledge representation language [23].

6 Discussion and conclusions


The objective of this paper was to deal with the question of naming in information bases, where several problems appear: ambiguous logical names, excessively long and difficult to handle, unrelated to the environment of the named object, or unable to follow changes of that environment. As a solution to this problem, we proposed a context-based naming mechanism.

Our approach in a sense simulates naming in natural language: a notion of context is supported and objects can be identified externally by using logical names with respect to a specific context (relative names). This results in the use of polysemous and homonymous names, which is common in natural language. Names are generated dynamically by taking into account the context of the corresponding object. Moreover, the generated names are meaningful, which contributes to the quality of a limited natural language generation, useful for developing hypermedia applications over information bases [9], and data entry facilitation. Object identification techniques like extending a name in a specific context or restricting the context of a specific name are also supported. All these contribute important quality factors to modeling, like simplicity, flexibility and expressiveness. The capability of using relative names ensures the frugality of atomic names thus saving a lot of redundant name substrings. Our experience from large modeling applications indicates that as many as 60% of the names in some applications (such as the CLIO cultural documentation system [5]) can be redundant. In addition, the unnamed objects can be exploited by higher level update operations which facilitate the interactive creation of composite objects [8, 32].

The names, on the other hand, are composite and can be extended or restricted dynamically in order to identify the desired object uniquely. Moreover, they are consistent with the environment of the named object. This minimizes the maintainance cost of names, because names follow the updates (renaming, deletion, changing from one context to another, etc.) of the information base, which is very important for evolutionary applications. It also enhances the visibility and readability of the names making them more understandable to the users. This is important for the development of interactive applications. In addition, the use of atomic, relative or global names enhances query expressiveness, since both the formulation and the results of a query can include atomic, relative or global names.

An important feature of this mechanism is that it can be easily incorporated into an information bases system. The only extra requirements are to save the scope function information and to check the necessary integrity constraints. Moreover, the absence of redundant name substrings facilitates string matching algorithms to be performed more efficiently. The price is some extra time to compute the name of an object or to access an object identified by a path name. We can cope with this problem by using a local symbol table (interpretation of atomic name function) for the contents of each context. This localizes and facilitates consistency checking, query processing and update operations.

For modeling purposes the context-based naming mechanism is suitable for representing composite objects and managing complex conceptual structures found in many advanced applications such as scientific catalogs, CAD, manufacturing and software development. It is also useful for terminological bases, which are usually huge and exhibit a lot of naming ambiguities, and for evolutionary applications.

Future research includes dealing with conjunctive contexts (a node can be characterized in conjunction by more than one contexts) and disjunctive contexts (a node can be characterized by one of several contexts) relaxing the assumption that a node belongs to only one context. Disjunctive contexts will generate names which are synonyms for a given node. Also, overlapping contexts and intercontext communication need attention.


We would like to thank Anastasia Analyti for carefully reading the paper and for her valuable comments, Martin Dörr for many stimulating conversations on the subject, and Yannis Tzitzikas and Polivios Klimathianakis for their contribution to this work. We would like also to thank the anonymous referees for their helpful comments.


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A Appendix: Proofs of theorems


Definition A.1 Path composition. The composition between paths is defined as follows:


Definition A.2 Path equality. We define the equation between two paths as follows:


Definition A.3 Length of a path. The length of a path is the number of nodes occurring in the path ( tex2html_wrap_inline2621 ).


The composition, length and equality of names are defined like those of paths. The composition operator for names is the symbol tex2html_wrap_inline3238 and the following identity is true: tex2html_wrap3165 . Clearly, tex2html_wrap_inline3240 and tex2html_wrap_inline3242 is closed under the composition operator, and the operator itself is associative, that is: tex2html_wrap3166 . Associativity allows us to omit an indication of precedence in expressions with more than one instance of the operator. The following identities on len is also a straightforward consequence of our definitions: tex2html_wrap3167 tex2html_wrap3168 and tex2html_wrap3169 tex2html_wrap3170 .


Proof of Theorem 4.1

Assume, to the contrary, that

tex2html_wrap3171 .

Then we have \ tex2html_wrap6081 .

Similarly, we prove that tex2html_wrap_inline3250 and so on.

That is, \ tex2html_wrap3173 .

By the previous equation it is clear that

This is in contrast with Axiom 4.2, which implies that all the nodes in a finite number of recursive steps belongs to information base context. tex2html_wrap_inline3256

Proof of Theorem 4.2

( tex2html_wrap_inline6167 )
Assume, to the contrary, that

tex2html_wrap3175 .

Since RelN(x,c) = RelN(y,c), we have

tex2html_wrap3176 .

By definition 4.7, tex2html_wrap3177 and tex2html_wrap3178 , we have

tex2html_wrap3179 tex2html_wrap6089

tex2html_wrap3182 tex2html_wrap6092

Since RelN(x,c) = RelN(y,c) the previous equations imply that


By definition of relative name and equation (1) we have:





We can go on similarly to prove that

The previous equation is true for i = 1, that is, tex2html_wrap_inline6179 . Equation (1) and ax.4.4 imply that x = y. Hence our original assumption that tex2html_wrap_inline3282 must be false.

( tex2html_wrap_inline6185 )
Assume, to the contrary, that
tex2html_wrap3190 .

The fact that the S is a function combining with the Axiom 4.5 implies that

Hence, our original assumption that must be false. tex2html_wrap_inline3256

Hereafter, we use the words context and contents instead of strict context and strict contents, respectively.


Manos Theodorakis
Fri May 16 21:28:31 EET DST 1997