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 Institute of Computer Science


Challenges in future e-Health services

Prof. Jose Garcia Moro
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
"Mediterranean Studies" Seminar Room, FORTH. Heraklion, Crete
Catherine Chronaki & Franco Chiarugi

During last years many applications have been developed in the field of telemedicine. These prototypes have demonstrated their ability to provide medical users and patients with new capabilities making use of the Information and Communication Technologies. However most of the developed systems are not longer used after a test period. There are many factors which are related to the success/failure of these applications and services: two of them may be the absence of standardization in the systems and also the lack of an evaluation methodology.
In this presentation we will describe several examples of recent e-Health applications and services developed in our research group in Spain in different areas with the collaboration of several hospitals. The presentation will cover some telemedicine services in the field of electroencephalography, dermatology and cardiology, providing some insight on how they should be evaluated considering aspects such as e.g. viability and impact of the systems. Moreover, a description of a prototype implementation of the ISO/IEEE11073 standard for interoperability of medical devices will be presented in the context of a telemonitoring platform. The main open points to be considered in future e-Health use cases and scenarios in the evolution towards m-Health and u-Health will be also described.
Jose' Garci'a was born in Zaragoza, Spain, in 1971. He received the M.S. degree in physics and the Ph.D. degree “with Honors” from the University of Zaragoza (UZ), Zaragoza, Spain, in 1994 and 1998, respectively.
He is with the Department of Electronics Engineering and Communications in the Polytechnic Center of UZ. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Telematics Engineering area and member of the Arago'n Institute of Engineering Research (I3A).
He is the founder and responsible of the Telemedicine Group in the I3A. He is recipient and investigator of research grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Sanitary Research Funds in the area of telemedicine applications and networks. His work has also been supported by major industrial and mobile companies in the area of telecommunications for e-Health.
He has undergone several research stages on USA, Sweden and Austria. He has published more than 70-refereed international journal and conference papers and mostly in the areas of telemedicine and biomedical signal processing. He is also reviewer of several journals on the topic.
His research interests are in telemedicine, biomedical signal processing for transmission, wireless communications, network management and other related topics.