European Commission Information Society Technologies Cognitive Systems
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The MATHESIS project has successfully ended on Jan 31, 2009.
Major results and achievements of this project are highlighted in the following links: Computational Modelling, Robotic Embodiment, Neurobiological studies and Developmental Studies.
The visitor interested in a more complete view of the project results is reffered to the project yearly reports (1st year, 2nd year, final report), as well as the publications that have resulted from MATHESIS.
Neurobiological Studies
Neurobiological studies aimed to reveal the cortical path responsible for learning by observation. Extensive overlap has been found between the cortical path involved in action execution and the cortical path involved in action observation. In particular the neurobiological studies:
  • revealed the amount of bilateral cortical overlap for agents executing or observing an action, and investigate the mechanisms for action inhibition during observation,
  • explored the adequacy of action observation to elicit visual responses of V6A neurons, and compare relevant activity to action execution,
  • made conceptual abstraction of the brain-inspired bilateral model that has been computationally implemented and instantiated in artificial agents.

Brain Imaging

Single Cell Recordings
