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 Human - Computer Interaction Laboratory

Game Over!

Overview of the title, gameplay and violated guideline of each game level

Start screen
Gameplay: Although the start screen is not a game level per se, an accessibility problem was induced also here. In order to start the game the player must concurrently press "Control + Shift + Enter + Home + F3 + F12 + Right Arrow".
Guideline: It should be possible to start playing the game using a single button.
Level 1. Learning to Die
Gameplay: This is a tutorial level, but for the enemy spaceships, not the player, since they can't be destroyed, but the player can.
Guideline: Provide a tutorial mode.
Level 2. Piano Man
Gameplay: The player must use awkward key combinations to control the spaceship (e.g., Shift + L + Left Arrow to go left).
Guideline: Avoid simultaneous button pressing.
Level 3. Hunt and Peck
Gameplay: The control keys have been randomly redefined and the player has to find them.
Guideline: Allow redefining the controls.
4. Look Ma, No Hands!
Gameplay: This is a single-switch level, but unfortunately the player can only fire but not move, due to lack of design creativity.
Guideline: Allow playing the game with a smaller number of controls, even with just a single switch (button).
Level 5. Spell Check
Gameplay: The player has to type 'left' to move left, 'right' to move right and 'fire' to fire.
Guideline: Support alternative input techniques.
Level 6. Out of Control
Gameplay: The player can do nothing since this level can only be played with an imaginary in-house developed special controller.
Guideline: Support alternative controllers.
Level 7. Die (not so) Hard
Gameplay: This level is extremely difficult.
Guideline: Allow adjusting difficulty level.
Level 8. The Fast and the Furious
Gameplay: The gameplay at this level is incredibly fast.
Guideline: Provide control over game speed.
Level 9. Chill Out!
Gameplay: The gameplay at this level is ridiculously slow.
Guideline: Provide control over game speed.
Level 10. Touchy
Gameplay: The player's controls are very sensitive. The lightest touch of a key results in an unpredictable amount of movement.
Guideline: Allow adjusting control sensitivity.
Level 11. Hakuna Matata
Gameplay: Information about how this level can be played is provided in Swahili.
Guideline: Use simple language and provide easy to understand instructions.
Level 12. Over the Rainbow
Gameplay: The player is instructed to shoot only the BLUE spaceships, otherwise s/he will be destroyed. The catch is that the enemies are rendered in grayscale.
Guideline: Do not rely on color alone.
Level 13. Low Budget
Gameplay: All game elements are rendered in a tiny size.
Guideline: Allow magnifying the text and graphics.
Level 14. XXXL
Gameplay: The game elements have been magnified so much that the game cannot be played.
Guideline: Make sure that the game is still playable when resized.
Level 15. The Bright Side of Life
Gameplay: Both the background and foreground graphics are rendered using very bright, whitish colors, so there is almost no contrast among them.
Guideline: Allow adjusting contrast, brightness and colors.
Level 16. Groovy
Gameplay: Very complex, flashing, psychedelic graphics are used for the background and foreground graphics.
Guideline: Allow adjusting visual detail.
Level 17. See No Evil, Hear No Evil
Gameplay: Enemy spaceships shoot missiles that the player cannot see nor hear.
Guideline: Provide 3D audio cues.
Level 18. The Art of Noise
Gameplay: The player is playing in the dark. Fortunately, the game provides 3D audio cues and audio description about the enemy spaceships and incoming fire, but unfortunately the music is so loud that covers them.
Guideline: Provide separate volume controls for music, speech and sound effects.
Level: 19. Chatterbox
Gameplay: The player is again in the dark. This time the game provides audio description about the enemy spaceships and incoming fire, but it is so superfluous that it is totally unusable (e.g., "look out! there is a big spaceship that looks really mean on your left").
Guideline: Provide meaningful and timely spoken information.
Level 20. Smooth Talker
Gameplay: The player is in the dark and audio description is provided at either to fast or too slow rate.
Guideline: Provide speech rate control.
Level 21. Speechless
Gameplay: The player is asked to listen to "the voice" and fire when instructed to do so. If s/he doesn't, or if s/he does it any other time, s/he loses. Unfortunately, "the voice" cannot be heard.
Guideline: Provide closed captions for dialogue and sound effects.

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