In this page we present a step-by-step guide to run the example included with the zip file:

After extracting the contents of the file, a folder with a few files and folders within will apear. From it, the program can be run by double clicking REMPE.exe.

It can also be run by typing "REMPE.exe config.cfg" into the command line, if we are in the adequate directory.

A command line window looking like the following one will appear:

If a compatible CUDA GPU card is found in the system, GPU acceleration will be used:

Otherwise, CPU acceleration will be used:

While the program performs the registration, the command line window will look as follows, indicating the progress. Please note that only results every 50 generations are shown:

After finishing, the window will look as follows, if the program was manually run from the command line. Otherwise, it will be closed automatically:

Within the FIRE folder, a new folder will appear. Its name will contain the date and time of when the execution started:

Inside the result folder, the following result files will appear: